August 17, 2022

If anything is to be learnt from the last 2 years, it's that Life is not a Rehearsal.

You only have a small amount of time on this planet to do the things you really want to do. And no matter what age you are right now, time is and will continue to fly by.

It is with this mindset that many (including myself) now approach life, largely driven by a health pandemic that has forced us to re-evaluate life and determine what the future should hold.

Out of that has been an enhanced approach to the way I deliver financial planning. One that removes the focus from products and investments to one that aims at giving you what you want. And what most people want, usually, is a great life and a great lifestyle, now and into the future.

As such, Luminosity Wealth was born...

A compelling service proposition aimed at helping you live the life YOU want without fear of running out of money, no matter what happens.

So, if you're seeking:

  • more Peace of mind.
  • more Financial Security.
  • Financial Independence.
  • More Freedom.
  • More Choice.

then Luminosity Wealth was created for you.

A Lifestyle Financial Planning approach that helps you GET and KEEP the life you want. Why else have wealth if it doesn't give you what you want?

Remember, Life is not a Rehearsal.

By Glenn Malkiewicz September 29, 2022
How much money is enough? (and how do I get it?) No doubt that question has floated through your mind at some point. For those people aged 45+, your brain probably sends you constant reminders of this as you're now starting to realise that time is running out and you need to start planning for the future. So if you feel like this, you're not alone. The reality is we all need to know how much money is enough - how much we need to fund and support our life going forward. For people with a big lifestyle, you need a big number. For those with a small lifestyle, that number is smaller. Whatever number you need (it is $1 million, $3 million, more or less?), the first step to achieving it is knowing your number. Secondly, it about planning to get it. This is where Luminosity Wealth helps you. We help you understand how much money you need based on the lifestyle you want for the future. We then outline the steps you need to take to achieve it. The end result - living the life you want without fear of ever running out of money, no matter what happens. It's why we have many clients who are living life, retiring earlier, with more freedom, more time, more choice whilst maintaining continuous clarity around their financial future. Stop hoping and start planning. Life is not a Rehearsal remember!
By Luminosity Wealth September 13, 2022
There are many people in Australia aged 45+ who have the right amount of money to live the life they want, but they just don't know it yet. You could be one of them. If you don't know what your financial future looks like, then you may be missing out. This may mean: You work longer than you need to, even though you wanted to retire 5 years ago or at least reduce your working hours. You take more investment risk than what is necessary. You spend on lifestyle items and then feel guilty about it. Or you cut back and go without. You don't live your life to the full. This is not a way to live, but many people do so because no one has ever shown them any different. I come across these people all the time, especially those who are wanting to retire however are too afraid to do so due to lack of financial security. Via a Lifestyle financial planning approach, Luminosity Wealth can show you what your financial future looks like and outline the steps you need to take to secure your future, so you know you're going to be ok, that you can relax, and you can enjoy your lifestyle without worry. Doing so may help you stop worrying when you use to worry. It may give you more freedom when you thought you had none, and most importantly, give you more life. Remember, Life is not a Rehearsal.
By Luminosity Wealth September 6, 2022
If you run your own business, you have an incredible opportunity that needs to be realised. That is, you have an asset that can help ensure you have enough money for the rest of your life. However, most small business owners need to think a little differently.  Consider this, when you set your prices, you have likely built into that price the cost of your staff, rent, operating costs and so forth. But have you built into your prices the most important cost of all? And that's your future desired lifestyle.
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